与“COMPUTER SCIENCE”相关的期刊投稿征稿、学术知识、发表推荐
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resour
Sustainable Computing-Informatics &
Journal of Computational Science
Frontiers of Computer Science
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health In
Journal of Organizational and End User C
Journal of Software-Evolution and Proces
International Journal of Critical Infras
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Syste
Swarm Intelligence
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Co
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Revie
IT Professional
Cryptography and Communications-Discrete
Universal Access in the Information Soci
IEEE Design & Test
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
International Journal of Computational I
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing