寒旱区科学(英文版)(Research in Cold and Arid Reg
计算机科学前沿(英文)(Frontiers of Computer Scienc
运动与健康科学(英文版)(Journal of Sport and Health
先进光子学(英文)(Advanced Photonics)
国际泥沙研究(英文版)(International Journal of Sed
碳能源(英文)(Carbon Energy)
无人系统(英文)(Unmanned Systems)
地震研究进展(英文)(Earthquake Research Advances)
建成遗产(英文)(Built Heritage)
生物医学与环境科学(英文版)(Biomedical and Environmen
中国电气工程学报(英文)(Chinese Journal of Electric
绿色化学工程(英文)(Green Chemical Engineering)
结构化学(英文版)(Chinese Journal of Structural
农业信息处理(英文)(Information Processing in Agr
控制理论与技术(英文版)(Control Theory and Technolo
固体力学学报(英文版)(Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology)
卒中与血管神经病学(英文)(Stroke and Vascular Neurol
分析检测(英文)(Journal of Analysis and Testing
中国油料作物学报(英文版)(OIL CROP SCIENCE)
建筑学研究前沿(英文)(Frontiers of Architectural R
世界儿科杂志(英文)(World Journal of Pediatrics)
偏微分方程(英文版)(Journal of Partial Differenti