造纸与生物质材料(英文版)(Paper and Biomaterials)(原:国际造纸)

造纸与生物质材料(英文版)(Paper and Biomaterials)(原:国际造纸) 知网万方维普

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Guide for Authors

Paper and Biomaterials (quarterly) is a sci-tech journal of paper and biomaterials subject in English. It welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high-level original research articles and review articles, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of raw materials, biomass energy, biomass chemicals, biomass new materials, biomass natural active components, pulp and papermaking, comprehensive utilization of waste liquor and pollution control, equipment, automation, etc.

Text content should be innovative, scientific and practical with clear point, reliable data, sufficient arguments, well organized and accurate terminology. Figures and Tables should be arranged in number. Letters and variables in the figure, table and text are indicated by italics. (Units, Math formulae, Footnotes)

1         Prepare Manuscript

The manuscripts should be follow this order: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References. Ensure that the funds and the profiles of first author and corresponding author are given and kept up to date at the page footer. The figures and tables should be presented in the text, other than at the end of text after the references. The template of PBM can be the reference of detail article format.

1.1   Title

A brief and informative title less than 20 notional words is required. It must accurately identify and describe the manuscript contents. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

1.2   Author names and affiliations

Please clearly indicate the author's full name, affiliations, city, post code and country. Indicate all affiliations with superscript arabic numerals immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Ensure that the funds and the profiles of first author and corresponding author are kept up to date and given at the page footer.

1.3   Abstract and Keywords

The brief abstract should be a single paragraph that is required less than 200 notional words and includes the purpose of the study, methods, results and conclusions. The keywords are required 3~6 words, each keyword separates by “;”. The abstract and keywords are under the title immediately.

1.4 Article structure

1.4.1 Numbered sections

The heading of the text should be within three level (first-level headings 1, 2, 3…; second-level headings 1.1, 1.2…, 2.1, 2.2…; third-level headings 1.1.1, 1.1.2…; the introduction does not sort).

1.4.2 Introduction

It should be clearly stated the background, problem investigated and research purposes.

1.4.3 Material and methods

The sufficient details of material and methods are required to allow the work can be repeated by the readers.

1.4.4 Results and discussion

The original and real data must be provided and the discussion can conclude interpretation of results, principles and/or relationships.

1.4.5 Conclusions

Please summarize the innovative results in brief and make it different from the content of Abstract.

1.4.6 Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables should be arranged in number respectively and should be presented in the text, other than at the end of text after the references. Letters and variables in the figure, table and text are indicated by italics.

Do not provide files that are too low in resolution. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used in the illustrations themselves, but keep the text as short as possible. Make sure that each illustration has a caption, and provide captions to illustrations below the figures separately. The captions should conclude brief title and description of the illustration.

A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Indicate the footnotes with superscript lowercase letters below the corresponding table body.

1.5   Abbreviations

Define each abbreviation in full at its first appearance in the text.

1.6   Acknowledgments

Place acknowledgments at the title page footer. List those individuals who provided help and funds during the research.

1.7   References

The references in the text should be arranged in order. The serial numbers should be put in square brackets and superscript. In bibliographic references, capitalize first letter of the author's surname, and lowercase the rest letters; acronym author's name and empty semi lattice (such as Robert J O). References should be arranged as follows:(Citation in text, Web references, Data references, Reference management software, Reference style,  Journal abbreviations source )

For journal article:Shen J, Song Z Q, Qian X R, et al. Dissolution-inhibiting effect of silicate-based inhibitors on precipitated calcium carbonate filler [J]. China Pulp & Paper, 2008, 27 (10): 13-17.

For book:Smook G A. Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists[M]. 2nd edition. Bellingham, Angus Wilde Publications Inc, 1997: 20-25.

For symposium: Hubbe M A, Gill R A. Filler particle shape vs. paper properties[C]//A review in 2004 TAPPI Paper Summit-spring Technical and International Environmental Conference. Atlanta, 2004: 141-150.

For dissertation: Cairn R B. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen[D]. Beijing, Beijing University, 1964.

For standard:International Organization for Standardization. ISO 690-2:1997 Information and documentation-biliographic references-part 2: electronic documents or parts thereof [S]. Switzerland: International Orgazization for Stanardization, c1997.

For patent: Kogan J, Steiner M. Method of Reducing Fluorescence in Deinking Pulp by Treating Pulp with Ozone and Bleaching Agent: US, 5529660[P].1996-06-25( issued date).

For web reference:Powell A, Johnston P. Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML[EB/OL].http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-xml-guidelines/.

2         Manuscript submission

Please use the online submission system of PBM to submit to the journal. The direct link is http://pbm.ijournals.cn/.

Please designate one author as the corresponding author with E-mail address.

There is a list to be convenient to finally check your submission before you submit. The necessary files should be uploaded as below:

• Title page (including title, all authors' names and Affiliations, fund, and acknowledgments)

•Main documents (without authors information, fund and acknowledgments)

• Abstract

• Keywords

• Supplemental files (where applicable)

3 Contact us

Address:No. 607 Sinolight Plaza, 4 Yard,  Qiyang Road, Wangjing

Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Post code:100102

Telephone:8610-64778162   8610-64778163



