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生物医学工程前沿(英文)(Biomedical Engineering Frontiers)

生物医学工程前沿(英文)(Biomedical Engineering Frontiers) 维普

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(Biomedical Engineering Frontiers)



1.    期刊简介:

《生物医学工程前沿》(Biomedical Engineering Frontiers) 是由中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所(SIBET CAS)与美国科学促进会(AAAS)/ Science合作出版的全英文开放获取国际学术期刊。期刊关注疾病致病机理及疾病预防、诊断、治疗及评估等领域取得的突破性研究进展,主要发表生物医学成像与传感、神经工程、生物材料与组织工程、计算医学和转化生物医学工程等领域高质量、高影响力的原创性学术论文、综述、快速报告和专家视点。期刊致力于为生物医学工程领域提供高水平的前沿学术交流平台,促进生物医学领域科学家、工程师和临床医学专家学术交流,推动生物医学发展,共同促进人类健康。



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(Biomedical Engineering Frontiers)


For Authors

To check on the status of your submission, please visit BME Frontiers’ manuscript submissions site

For general guidance on using the manuscript submission system, please read the tutorials for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. For questions on specific functionality, explore the Editorial Manager video library.

Biomedical Engineering (BME) Frontiers is committed to thorough and efficient evaluation of submitted manuscripts. All submissions to BME Frontiers are assessed by our editorial office for language, accuracy, ethics and whether it falls within journal scope. BME Frontiers establishes rigor early in the review process, and warranted rejections only come from individuals who have read the manuscript.

Categories of Manuscripts

The journal BME Frontiers considers submissions for original research articles, review articles, rapid reports, perspectives, and editorials. Prior to submission, each author should review and be prepared to fulfill the submission requirements outlined in the Publication Ethics page and comply with following limitations.

Research articles present novel research study of outstanding significance in the field of biomedical engineering. Submissions must include a structured abstract (maximum of 250 words), and separate sections for the introduction, results, discussion, and materials and methods. Authors may include up to nine data elements (with a maximum of six figures and three tables) and a maximum of 40 references. Total length should be less than 5,000 words, excluding the abstract, materials and methods, and references. Supplementary materials should be limited to information that is not essential for the general understanding of the research presented in the main text and can include data sets, figures, tables, videos, or audio files. Authors are encouraged to use the research article templates in Word or LaTex.

Structured Abstract:

Objective: An opening sentence that states the objective of the research

Impact Statement: Brief description about the novelty and impact of the research

Introduction: Enough background information to give context to the study

Methods: A brief statement of the primary methods used by the study

Results: A brief statement of primary results

Conclusion: A short concluding sentence of the main take-home point(s) of the study

Review articles describe and synthesize recent developments of significance in biomedical engineering and highlight future directions. Review must include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings, and include a section describing important unresolved questions. Authors may include up to 10 figures and/or six tables (a maximum of 16 display items) and up to 120 references. Most Reviews are less than 8,000 words, although longer manuscripts are considered. Most Reviews are currently solicited by the editors. Author-initiated submissions require pre-approval by the editorial office. Contact BME Frontiers to inquire about submitting an unsolicited Review.

Rapid reports present ground-breaking developments or discoveries in the field of biomedical engineering. Submissions must include a short abstract (maximums of 150 words), 10 references or fewer, and two data elements (any combination of figures or tables). Manuscript should be divided into an introduction, a combined results and discussion section, and materials and methods. Total length should be less than 1,000 words excluding the abstract, materials and methods, and references. BME Frontiers encourages junior scientists to contribute their exciting validated short advances for consideration as a Rapid Report. Authors are encouraged to use the rapid report templates in Word or LaTex.

Perspectives highlight recent exciting research but do not primarily discuss the author's own work. Most provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary importance. These short pieces (up to 1,000 words plus one figure or table) are meant to express a personal viewpoint. With rare exceptions, Perspectives should have no more than two authors.

Editorials are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the research community. Editorials should have fewer than 1,000 words total, no abstract, a minimal number of references (no more than five) and no figures or tables. Editorials are only solicited by the editors.

Preparation of Manuscripts

English Language Editing Services

Interested in English language assistance prior to submission? The Science Partner Journals publishing team has evaluated the work of the companies listed on the SPJ Author Services page and found their services to be effective for editing scientific English language in manuscripts prior to submission.

Requirements for All Types of Manuscripts:

Provide a complete title with a maximum of 100 characters, including spaces

Provide full names of all authors, including initials (example, Joseph M. Author) and suffixes (example, Jane D. Scientist, Jr.)

Designate author affiliations with superscripted numbers

Designate corresponding author(s) with an asterisk; provide email address(es) for corresponding author(s)

Provide 6-10 keywords

Cite figures and tables in the order in which they appear

Number all figures and tables and supplementary materials in order of mention in the text

Provide an acknowledgment section that includes the following elements: general acknowledgments (if necessary), author contributions, funding sources, competing interests statement, data availability statement

Number references within the text consecutively in the order of first appearance, for example Liu et al. [1].

Cite references in the reference section using a format that includes all authors (do not use et al.), article title, journal title, year, and article identifying information, such as volume and page or article identifier or DOI

Do not use footnotes

Format text with 1.5 line spacing or double spacing and use line numbers




