Journal for the Study of Sports and Athl
Journal of Language and Literacy Educati
International Journal of Electronic Secu
Data Science and Engineering
African Journal of Health Professions Ed
Current Trauma Reports
SOCAR Proceedings
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metall
European Journal for Research on the Edu
Ufa Mathematical Journal
Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Edu
Australian Geomechanics Journal
Journal of Language and Education
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
Scientific Papers-Series B-Horticulture
Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios
London Review of International Law
Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy
Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Associ
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel
World Competition
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work
Advances in Dual Diagnosis
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptolog