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跨文化交际与传播研究(英文)(Journal of Intercultural Communication & Interactions Research)(国际刊号)

跨文化交际与传播研究(英文)(Journal of Intercultural Communication & Interactions Research)(国际刊号) 知网目次

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    2770-2499;EISSN 2768-1459

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Journal of Intercultural Communication & Interactions Research


Journal of Intercultural Communication & Interactions Research (JICIR)《跨文化交际与传播研究》是一本全英文国际学术期刊,由上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心主办,Peter Lang国际学术出版集团出版,每半年一期,以印刷版和电子版方式面向全球发行。期刊以中国及全球范围内的跨文化互动交流为研究对象,鼓励相关学科之间的交叉合作,重点推介前沿课题、理论与方法论,致力于跨文化理论的本土化探索与建构,旨在为推动中外人文双向交流、创建多元文化共生的人类命运共同体提供一个学理阐释和学术对话的平台。

JICIR is a new trans-cultural and inter-disciplinary journal addressing comparative, cross-, and inter-cultural research that focuses on the dynamic interactions of, across, between, and within “cultures.” Articles address the orientations, challenges, and outcomes of how people identified or identifying with different cultural groups dynamically perceive, represent, encounter, and interact with each “Other” across culturally conceived/constructed inter-group boundaries.


Dear fellow Intercultural Scholar,

Warm greetings from Shanghai! You might likely be aware of the publication efforts of our small institute since its founding in 2006. Following from some of the international conferences we helped host over the last 15 years, we have been publishing Intercultural Research (since 2007) as series of thematic handbook-like volumes highlighting the “state of the art” on key intercultural study areas. Thus far we have provided volumes profiling Chinese communication studies (Vol 1) and topics like identity (Vols 2, 3) and values studies (Vols 4, 5), adaptation (Vol 6, 7), literature/textual studies and interculturality (Vols 8, 9), etc.

For each volume, we managed to recruit some of the top cross- and intercultural scholars from around the world as well as leading Chinese/Asian scholars to contribute summaries of their theories, social science, interpretative, or critical work. Several volumes, 1 and 4, have been nominated for best book awards with ICA and IAIR respectively.

Rationale for the New Journal and Volume Series

Noting the quality of the series and its limited access (mainly within China), Peter Lang has approached our institute to (1) not only update each of those volumes, but (2) also launch an open-access journal that would feature the best of new submissions in the Journal of Intercultural Communication and Interactions Research (JIRIC) (aiming to publish 6-8 likely high-cite articles twice a year, April and October starting in 2021).

As Co-Chief Editor with Prof. Zha Mingjian (who studied at Harvard and focuses on comparative literature, the humanities, and interculturality) along with Co-Vice-Chief Editors Zhang Hongling (leading scholar on intercultural competence and foreign language education here in China and former Fulbright scholar at the University of Minnesota working with Michael Paige, Rosita Albert and their CLA language center), Michael Steppat (Prof. Emeritus, Bayreuth University, focusing on anglophone, inter- and transcultural studies) and our growing board of review editors (adopting a double blind-review system), we would like to invite you to:

(1) Consider being part of our editorial board

(2) Ask you to submit an article or chapter that updates your key area of research

Initial Types of Articles Welcomed

We are aware that in the process of carrying out research and submitting articles or chapters, certain descriptive sections may be cut in the editing process, some theoretical ideas left unfinished due to time-pressures, or further summarizing of the state of our research focus left unfinished.

With both our journal and revised book series, we would like to provide you with an opportunity to further develop those ideas and submit them to be considered for this “open access” online publishing platform.

We’re especially looking for:

Extensively updated literature reviews on an important intercultural area or for a key ongoing research direction. Rethinking of research approaches, findings, and new directions in light of the COVID pandemic.

Updated formulations of intercultural theories, especially those:

(1) moving on from “national” levels of culture to more nuanced meso, medio, micro inter-group levels, including non-western, Asian/Middle Eastern/African or other approaches,

(2) addressing interactions (the dynamic “between,” “within,” or “inter-“aspects of cross-cultural relations).

Clarification of Focus and Uniqueness

As current President of IAIR with a strong commitment to keep the International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IJIR) well-positioned has a highly rated social-science SSCI ratings, and to avoid any conflict of interests, I and the editorial team of this new JICIR publication are not seeking to attract work that might better fit in IJIR or other established journals.

However, keeping annual SCOPUS/Web of Science citation index metrics up means that many submissions are asked to cut related arguments or conceptual developments, omit older references, or remove descriptive, explorative, or future research call sections. We aim to position this new journal as we did our series, as a place where historically-rooted, theoretically-explicated, analytically- descriptively-, interpretatively-, or critically- nuanced summaries or reviews (extensively referenced) can be readily accessible to the entire global community of intercultural researchers via fully open access (no download fees).

Our Open Invitation for Your Submissions

Please consider what you might already have available or “in the making” that might fit this new journal initiative. Especially as the world faces COVID, adapts to regional perceptions or variations in the pandemic, and considers how to cross-borders and interact cross-culturally in new ways, we believe this is an important time for both rethinking and repositioning intercultural communication research that especially focuses on the dynamics of INTER and ACTION. We are eager to know what type of article you might propose to meet this opportunity, so will be looking forward to your response.

Submit Your Article

If you are interested in our journal, please submit your article to icinteractions.journal@shisu.edu.cn (specify the email subject with "Article submission for JICIR + author's name).

