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数学物理学报(英文版)(Acta Mathematica Scientia)(原:Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series))

数学物理学报(英文版)(Acta Mathematica Scientia)(原:Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)) 知网万方维普

  • CSCD
  • 科核
  • 高T1
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Guide for Authors


The aim of ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA is to present to the specialized

readers (from the level of a graduate student and upward) important,

novel achievements in the areas of mathematical sciences. The Journal

considers for publication of original research (expository) papers in

all areas related to the frontier branches of mathematics with other

science and technology.


of an article implies that the work that has been described has not

been previously published, has not been copyrighted, is not being

submitted for publication elsewhere, and its submission has been

approved by all the authors and by the institute where the work was

carried out; furthermore, it also implies that the individual cited as a

source of personal communication has approved such a citation, and

that, if accepted the authors agree to the automatic transfer of the

copyright to the Editorial Board of Acta Mathematica Scientia. Authors

must use LaTex for typewriting and are requested to submit their papers

electronically using online manuscript submission available at

http://actams.wipm.ac.cn. One of the authors of the paper will be the

corresponding author, who will deal with all the processes on behalf of

the other authors. Authors who are not able to submit their article

online should contact the Editorial Board before submission of the

manuscript (e-mail: actams@wipm.ac.cn; tel: 0086-27-87199206; fax:



of Manuscripts Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX

Template available at

http://actams.wipm.ac.cn/sxwlxbB/EN/column/column27.shtml for English

manuscript preparation.


Manuscripts should be typed in English on A4 sheets. The first page of

the manuscript should consist of the title, the author’s name(s) and

addres(es), an abstract of 50-200 words, 3-5 keywords, 2000 Mathematics

Subject Classification, the abbreviated title not exceeding 45

characters (including spaces) for the running head and footnotes (if

desired) containing acknowledgement of financial or other support. The

name and address of the corresponding author and a short statement on

the research background and significance of the work should be provided

on a separate sheet.


Headings and Subheadings for different sections of the article should

be clearly indicated. Units of measurement, abbreviations, and symbols

should follow the International System of Units (SI). Equations and

formulae should be typed clearly. Equations should be numbered

consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right0—hand

side of the page. Special symbols should be identified in the margin.


and Figures Author should appreciate the importance of good—quality

illustration. Tables and figures should be separated from the text and

labeled, should be clear and legible even if subject to photographic

reduction and their intended locations in the text should be clearly

indicated. All illustrations should be approximately twice that of the

intended final size for publication.


to the literature should be cited as numbers in square brackets in the

text, [1], [1, 2], [1, Theorem 1.5] in order of appearance, in sequence,

and listed at the end of the article in numerical order, as shown below

for articles in journals [1], books [2], articles in a contributed

volume [3], and unpublished papers [4].

[1] Altman M. Contractor directions and monotone operators. J Integ Eq, 1979, 20(2):17—33

[2] Popov V N. Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Phyics. Dordrecht: D Reidel, 1983


L. Application of optimization methods to differential equations //

Korte B. Modern Applied Mathematics. Amsterdam: North-Holland,  


[4] Liu Y Y. Some studies on random fractals[Ph D Thesis]. Wuhan: Wuhan University, 2001


Turcotte D L. Fractals and chaos in geology and geophysics[M/OL]. New

York: Cambridge University Press,1992[1998-09-23].  



Review All submitted manuscript will usually be peer—reviewed

critically by at least two referees. A manuscript can be sent to

referees only when it meets the above—mentioned requirements; otherwise,

it will be returned to the author for revision to meet Journal

requirement. The editor usually alters the authors regarding comments

from the referees, particularly when revision or rejection is advised.

If necessary, the authors would be asked to revise the manuscript

according to the referee's suggestion, which are conveyed by the editor,

and the PDF files of the revised paper are resubmitted. A cover letter

that addresses the issues, point by point, raised in the suggestions

should be included. A suitable rebuttal to any specific request for

change that has not been made should also be included. This will be

forwarded to the referee who will recheck the same. Revised manuscripts

returned after three months will be considered as a new submission.


Proofs and Offprints Upon acceptance of an article, the Editorial Board

will inform the author regarding transmittance of the final version of

the electronic files (PDF or TEX) of the article for publication and

signing the Copyright Transfer Agreement for the article. Before the

files of an article are transmitted, authors should read the explanation

with regard to the format of the Journal carefully, and rewrite the

portions of the article that do not meet the requirements of the

Journal. After receiving the Copyright Transfer Agreement of an article,

the Editorial Board will send the author a set of page proofs in PDF

format by e-mail to be checked for typesetting/editing. Proofreading is

solely the author's responsibility. The hardcopy on which the

corrections are made and any other comments on a printout of the proofs

should be sent by registered mail, and then the electronic files PDF and

TEX of the corrected version are e-mail to the Editorial Board within

five days of receipt of the proofs. If there are no corrections, this

should be confirmed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make

reasonable modifications in wording. After the print publication, 30

offprints of each article will be provided free of charge.


the related data The sharing of paper related data is an important

evidence for the research results and conclusions of the paper,

improving the verifiability and transparency of the research; the

sharing of data improves the attention and influence of scientific

journal papers. Please submit the paper related data to the Science Data

Bank (ScienceDB) for public preservation, to ensure that the

conclusions of the paper are verifiable and reusable, improve the

credibility of the paper, and maintain the academic reputation of the

paper author.


上一篇:化学科学与工程前沿(英文版)(Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering)下一篇:现代应用物理(不收版面费审稿费)
