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应用地球物理(英文版)(Applied Geophysics)

应用地球物理(英文版)(Applied Geophysics) 知网万方维普

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Signal processing-83.3%-期平均发文量1篇


Borehole geophysics and rock properties-66.7%-期平均发文量2篇
Seismic inversion-66.7%-期平均发文量2篇
Electric and electromagnetic method-33.3%-期平均发文量2篇
Seismic modeling and wave propagation-50.0%-期平均发文量1篇
Gravity exploration methods-50.0%-期平均发文量2篇
Magnetic exploration methods-33.3%-期平均发文量1篇
Disaster prediction-66.7%-期平均发文量1篇


Seismic forward modeling-16.7%-期平均发文量2篇
Gravity and magnetic exploration methods-16.7%-期平均发文量2篇
Natural earthquake and disaster-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Seismic data processing and interpretation-16.7%-期平均发文量3篇
Seismic signal processing-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Electriical & electromagnetic methods-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Rock physics-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Borehole geophysics-16.7%-期平均发文量2篇
Seismic interpretation-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Seismic models and wave propagation-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Electriical&electromagnetic methods-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Case histories-16.7%-期平均发文量1篇
Seismic inversion/interpretation-16.7%-期平均发文量2篇
















Instructions for Authors

Applied Geophysics accepts original papers relating to all disciplines and applications of geophysics. Articles are normally from 4000 to 6000 words long. All accepted articles will be edited to conform to the style of Applied Geophysics and to improve clarity. When major changes are deemed to be necessary, the Editor will consult with the author by the most convenient means and the manuscript may be returned to be author for approval or further clarification.

The manuscript must be accompanied with statements that: 1) all authors agree with the submission, 2) the work has not been published elsewhere, either completely, in part, or in another form, and 3) the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal.


You can send your article to us using email: cgsbull@china.com or mail to The Editorial Department of Applied Geophysics (English Edition). The text of the article can be prepared using Microsoft Word or any common variant of TeX. E-mail transfer of text is encouraged whenever facilities are available.


The journal’s language is English. Before submitting the paper, please make sure that the language is correct. Minor corrections of syntax and spelling can be made by our language editor. Chinese authors may present Chinese papers first.

Required organization of the paper

1. Title.

2. Name, affiliation, exact postal and e-mail addresses of the authors, and the indication of who is the corresponding author.

3. Abstract (200- 300 words).

4. Keywords (4 to 6).

5. Text, divided into sections.

6. List of references in alphabetical order.


References in the text should consist of the name followed by the year of publication in parentheses. All references cited in the text must be included in the reference list, and vice versa. In each reference, list all authors except when there are seven or more, in which case list the first 3 and “et al”.

These examples include a serial publication, a map, an abstract, a report of a meeting, and a text book according to the following pattern:

Articles in journals

Cerjan, C., Kosloff, D., Kosloff, R., and Moshe, R., 1985, A non-reflection boundary condition for discrete acoustic and elastic wave equation: Geophysics, 50 (4), 705 – 708.

Liu, X. W. and Xu, G. F., 1997, A study of enhancing SNR and resolution under the condition of high fidelity – the influence of high and low frequency bandwidth of wavelet to resolution without noise: Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition) (in Chinese), 27 (1), 78 - 82.

Chapters in a book:

Carcione, J. M., 2001, Wave fields in real media: wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic and porous media: Handbook of Geophysical Exploration, Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK, 147 – 153.

Zhang, D. W. and Cheng, J. L, 1972, Seismic velocity anisotropy, in Han, Y. and Hu T. Y., Eds., Seismic Technology: Petroleum Industry Press, China, 157-166.

Books and other monographs

Li, M., Zhou. L. H., and Liu, X., 2005, Geophysical technology and its application about lithology reservoir: Petroleum Industry Press, China, 74 – 94.

Han, P., 1976, Application of grey system theory technology to watered-out formation logging evaluation: M. Sc. Thesis, Peking University.

Conference abstracts and proceedings

Gulunay, N., 1986, FXDECON and complex Wiener prediction filter: 56th Ann. Soc. Expl. Geophys. Mtg., Expanded Abstracts, 279 - 281.

Cheng S., Tian G., Xia J., and He H., 2004, Investigation of the low- velocity layers in desert area: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Wuhan, China, 102 - 110.

Author biographical note

A passport –type photograph and a brief (no more than 100 words) biographical sketch should be below article’s references.


Good illustrations (figures) are essential and may include photographs, line drawings, or tables incorporating graphics. submitted in electronic form. CorelDraw or illustrator is preferred but other popular editors may also be used. Line weights and lettering should be suitable for reduction. Please consult a recent issue of our journal for the size of the figures. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and referred to in the text. A header should be placed on top of the table. Please make sure that the size of the table is adequate for the layout of the journal’s page.

Final version of the paper

Once the review/revision process is finished, the corresponding author will be asked to prepare the final version of the paper. We will then inspect it and make some editorial adjustments (if necessary). A PDF file will be sent back for proofreading.

The completed paper will be placed on Springer Online first and then included in the electronic and printed issues of Applied Geophysics.

After publication, Applied Geophysics will provide each author with one copy of the journal.

Research data policy

The journal encourages authors, where possible and applicable, to deposit data that support the findings of their research in a public repository. Authors and editors who do not have a preferred repository should consult Springer Nature’s list of repositories and research data policy.

• List of Repositories

• Research Data Policy

General repositories - for all types of research data - such as figshare and Dryad may also be used.

Datasets that are assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs) by a data repository may be cited in the reference list. Data citations should include the minimum information recommended by DataCite: authors, title, publisher (repository name), identifier.

• DataCite

Springer Nature provides a research data policy support service for authors and editors, which can be contacted at researchdata@springernature.com.

This service provides advice on research data policy compliance and on finding research data repositories. It is independent of journal, book and conference proceedings editorial offices and does not advise on specific manuscripts.

• Helpdesk

Contact: cgsbull@china.com





1.作者提交的文稿应是原创的,文章中介绍的成果没有发表过, 也没有考虑在其它出版物上发表;如果文稿有其他(她)作者,则还需要得到其他(她)作者的同意;还要得到工作开展所在单位的管理机构的默认或者明确批准。

2. 作者保证其投稿为原创,并且有全权进行版权转让。第一作者将代表任何和全部的其他(她)作者签名,并对材料内容的公布承担责任。

3.一旦投稿的文章被收录并确定出版,则版权转让即刻生效。相关作者签署后的版权转让协议提交后,则应用地球物理英文版编辑部将不会接受改变作者或者改变作者排序的要求。版权包括对文章的复制与发行的专有权包括重新印刷、翻译、复印、缩微、电子版(离线、在线) 或者其它类似性质的复制等。本期刊中发表的所有文章均受版权保护,版权包括复制和传播(如发行单行本)的专有权,以及所有的翻译权。






1. 文章结构:


2)摘要:摘要是概括文章的主要内容,一般包括研究范围及目的、应用的方法,取得的成果,主要结论等四个部分。摘要内不写入属常识性的内容,不罗列工作参数,不用不适当的夸大意义或提前作出结论。约200 – 300字。关键词(3 – 5个)。

3)引言/绪论;提出问题性质和范围,回顾有关文献(指回顾前人成果),叙述调查研究的方法以及主要成果, 叙述方法的目的及其优越性。




7) 参考文献:遵循著作权法,凡引用他人资料、数据、方法、图表以及结果、结论的,必须注明出处,列出文献,涉及版权事宜作者自负。文献输入格式参见下面例子:(a)期刊每条文献的表达顺序是:作者、年份、文章名称:期刊名称、卷、期、页码。(b)参考书籍的表达顺序是:作者、年份:书名(文章名称)、图书出版单位、地址、页码。博士论文文献的表达顺序是:作者、年份、文章名称:博士论文,学校名称。



Al-Hagan, O., Hanafy, S. M., and Schuster, G. T., 2014, Iterative supervirtual refraction interferometry: Geophysics, 79(3), Q21–Q30.

Alshuhail, A., Aldawood, A., and Hanafy, S., 2012, Application of super-virtual seismic refraction interferometry to enhance first breaks: A case study from Saudi Arabia: The Leading Edge, 31(1), 34–39.

Blakely, R. J., and Robert, W. Simpson, 1986, Approximating edges of source bodies from magnetic or gravity anomalies: Geophysics, 51(7), 1494–1498.

Bharadwaj, P., Schuster, G., Mallinson, I., and Dai, W., 2012, Theory of supervirtual refraction interferometry: Geophysical Journal International, 188, 263–273.

Cooper, G. R., and Cowan, D. R., 2006, Enhancing potential field data using filters based on the local phase: Computers & Geosciences, 42(10), 1585?591.

Fairhead, J. D., Salem, A., Cascone, L., et al., 2011, New developments of the magnetic tilt-depth method to improve structural mapping of sedimentary basins: Geophysical Prospecting, 59 (6), 1072–1086.

Jiang, F. Y., and Gao, L. K., 2012, Edge enhancement of gravity anomalies and gravity gradient tensors using an improved small sub-domain filtering method: Applied Geophysics, 9(2), 119–130.

Krief, M., Garat, J., Stellingwerff, J., et al.,1990, A petrohysical interpretation using the velocities of P and S waves(full-waveform sonic): The Log Analyst, 31(11), 355–369.

Ma, G. Q., Huang, D.N., Yu, P., et al, 2012b, Application of improved balancing filters to edge identification of potential field data: Chinese J. Geophys, (in Chinese), 55(12), 4288–4295.

Wang, Y. G., Wang, Z. W., Zhang, F. X., et al., 2012, Edge detection of potential field based on normalized vertical gradient of mean square error ration: Journal of China University of Petroleum (in Chinese), 46(2), 86–90.

Yang, G. Y., 1995, A new technique for potential field data processing: small sub-domain filtering: Oil Geophysical Prospecting (in Chinese), 40(2), 240–244.


Blakely, R. J., 1995, Potential theory in gravity and magnetic application: Cambridge University Press, England, 414–149.

Lin H., 1996, Morden statistics: Economy& Management Press, Beijing, 58–190.

Zhang, D. W., and Cheng, J. L, 1972, Seismic velocity anisotropy, in Han, Y., and Hu T. Y., Eds., Seismic  Technology: Petroleum Industry Press, China, 157–166.

Wang, Z. W., Liu, J. H., and Nie, C. Y., 2007, Time-frequency analysis of array acoustic logging signal, in He Z.X., and Fan W.C. , Eds., Singal processing: China Petroleum Industry Press, 147–150.


Lochs, G. S., 1974, Quantitative interpretation of AEM responses for a sphere model: MSc. Thesis, Univ. of Toronto.

Wei, X. C., 1995, Research on seismic wave field in twophase anisotropic media: PhD Thesis, University of Petroleum, Beijing.


An, S. P., Liang, X. H., Hu, T. Y., and Peng, G. X., 2014, Application of improved interferometry on low SNR data to auto-pick first breaks: 76th EAGE Annual Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, We D201 14.

Hassan, H. H., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: 75th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1949–1952.

Lochs, G. S., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: 25th Annual Logging Symposium transactions, SPWLA, 10–13 June, New Orleans, USA , Paper DD.

Lochs, G. S., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa,. Oklahoma, USA, June 19–22,

Lochs, G. S., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: SPWLA 25th Annual Logging Symposium transactions, SPWLA, New Orleans, USA , Paper DD.

Lochs, G. S., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 9–12 October, Dallas, USA, SPE 95837, 1–13.

Lochs, G. S., 2005, Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of potential field data: airborne gravity data as an example: Paper ZZZ in The 66th Annual Technical Conference, SPE, Dallas, Texas.

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