生物质资源与工程(英文)(Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts)

生物质资源与工程(英文)(Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts) 万方知网目次维普目次

  • CSCD
  • 科核
  • EI(中国2024)
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    2097-2415;ISSN 2369-9698

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(Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts)


Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts(生物质资源与工程)


CN 32-1890/S7。创刊于2019年,是国内外公 开发行的学术期刊 。

现任主编:肖惠宁院士  蒋剑春院士

办刊宗旨:致力于发表生物质资源和林业工程科学与技术研究的前沿性论文,在世界生物质资源和林业工程科技领域搭建高端的学术交流平台,引领和促进学科的发展;大力促进我国林业资源和林业工程学科的科研创新和学术交流;向世界展示中国学者在该领域的研究特色和水平,增强国际影响力 。

学术影响力: 目前是中国科技期刊能力提升计划D类资助(卓越计划高起点期刊)。被Scopus、CAS、CABI、DOAJ等数据库收录。

刊期 :季刊,OA出版

全年定价 :600元

电话 :025-85426289


(Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts)


Author Submissions

1. Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts will be submitted online https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbrb. Authors should submit their manuscripts as Word or PDF files.

2. Types of Contribution

Submitted articles may be of four basic types

1) Review

Extensive reviews of established or emerging research topics or application areas.

2) Research article

Detailed discussion involving new research, applications or developments.

3) Opinions

Discussion among practitioners in the field of research and application.

4) Communications

High quality short communications reporting important new scientific and technological findings.

3. Conditions of Publication

It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to JB&B have not been published and will not be submitted or published elsewhere in English or any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not upon JB&B, the Editors, or the Publisher.

Submission of a manuscript signifies that it has been neither copyrighted nor published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. JB&B requires that when using their own previously published or submitted material as a basis for a new submission, the authors cite the previous work(s) and very clearly indicate how the new submission differs from the previously published work(s).

If a submitted manuscript has been published or has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of an conference, it may be considered for publication in JB&B if evidence is provided that it adds value relative to its conference version (for example, it contains detailed proofs omitted from the conference version, or additional numerical results); and the authors cite the previous work(s) and very clearly indicate how the new submission differs from the previously published work(s). This ensures consistency with the policy stated in the previous paragraph.

4. Manuscript Preparation

1) General

Manuscripts must be typed in double-column format. Authors are advised to use our template to prepare your submissions (Click here to download the JB&B Template). The fax number, e-mail address and postal address of the corresponding author should be given.

2) Text

Manuscripts should include the following parts (in order): Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgement if applicable, Appendices, and References.

3) Figures

All figures must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Fig(s)." and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.

4) Tables

Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.

5) References

All publications cited in the text should be presented in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. References must be listed in alphabetical order, and in the text references should be cited with “Author, year”. The names of all authors should be given in the references unless the number of authors is greater than three. If there are more than three authors, you may use et al. after the name of the third author. An example of references is given below:

Kaufman Y J, Tanre D, Remer L, et al., 1997. Operational remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol over the land from EOS-MODIS. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(14): 17051–17068.

6) Illustrations

All illustrations must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.

7) Cover letter

A cover letter must be submitted along with the manuscript, stating that the manuscript has been read and approved in final form by all authors. Authors should ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.

5. Publication

The corresponding author will receive an email when the manuscript is accepted. Please prepare the final version according to the requirement in this email.

1) Format

When a manuscript is accepted for publication, it should be put in the Word format or LaTeX format.

2) Language polishing

The final version will be sent to editors for editing and English language polishing.

3) Proofs

Proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript. The editorial office will deliver electronic proofs to the corresponding author (first named author of multi-authored papers if no corresponding author is identified) via email, and the author should return the receipt within 48 hours. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Any queries should be answered in full.

6. Copyright

All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement before the paper can be published. This agreement enables the publisher to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, without affecting the authors' proprietary rights. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any figures or other material included in the paper for which copyright already exists. (Click here to down the JB&B Copyright)

