感染性疾病与免疫(英文)(Infectious Diseases & Immunity)

感染性疾病与免疫(英文)(Infectious Diseases & Immunity) 知网目次万方目次维普目次

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(Infectious Diseases & Immunity)


感染性疾病与免疫 2021-05-24


《感染性疾病与免疫(英文)》(Infectious Diseases & Immunity)是由中国科协主管、中华医学会主办、中华医学会杂志社和荷兰威科集团(Wolters Kluwer)出版的专业学术期刊,于2019年入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”高起点新刊项目。

本刊采取开放获取(Open Access)模式出版发行,为季刊,第一期已于2021年4月份正式上线。


1. 新发再发传染病;

2. HIV感染;

3. 细菌、真菌、脓毒症;

4. 病毒性肝炎;

5. 感染性疾病免疫学;

6. 医院感染及控制;

7. 免疫预防;

8. 公共卫生及流行病学









010-5132 2080, 010-5132 2086





Instructions for Authors

Aims and Scope

Infectious Diseases & Immunity (IDI) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. It is supervised by Chinese Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by Chinese Medical Association, and published in collaboration with Wolters Kluwer.

IDI covers the types of Original Article (Basic or Clinical), Consensus and Guideline, Commentary, Editorial, Review, Short Report & Case Report, Research Letter, Perspective, etc. The journal focuses on the new developments in basic and clinical researches in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and related immunology. It aims to provide a platform of timely academic exchanges and information transmission for scientists and clinical experts in related fields around the world.



*Text word count excludes abstract, figure legends, and references. Please ensure that the text word count is included on the Title page of the manuscript.

Editorials are invited articles to explain the importance of specific articles or to provide opinions on general concepts in practice, research or policy. Editorials have no abstract and are typically 1000 to 1500 words long. Editorials which discuss a recently published article should cite that article as the first reference.

Consensuses and Guidelines are official recommendations from professional organizations on issues related to clinical practice and health care delivery. IDI is flexible with length, reference, and other format requirements given the variability in the format of guidelines developed by different organizations. A concise table or concise graphic summarizing the recommendations and other key points is desirable. Guidelines that meet standards (http://www.equator-network.org/) will fare more favorably than those that do not.

Perspectives are welcomed and the length should be about 1500 words (not including tables, figures, and references). Authors of this type of articles should sign their real names; no anonymous pieces are published.

Original Articles are full-length reports of completed basic, translational or clinical research. Articles should report important, novel and fully completed studies with strong conclusions.

Reviews are comprehensive analyses of specific topics. They are submitted upon invitation by the Editors. Proposals for reviews may be submitted; however, in this case authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration. Both solicited and unsolicited review articles will undergo peer review prior to acceptance.

Research Letters must offer perspective to content published in IDI. A Research Letter must reference the original source, and a Response to a Letter must reference the Letter in the first few paragraphs. Letters can use an arbitrary title, but a Response must cite the title of the Letter: e.g. Response to [title of Letter]. This ensures that readers can track the line of discussion. Submissions may be edited for length, grammatical correctness, and journal style. Authors will be asked to approve editorial changes that alter the substance or tone of a letter or response.

Commentaries, upon Editor's invitation, discuss a paper published in a specific issue and should set the problems addressed by the paper in the wider context of the field. Proposals for Commentaries may be submitted; however, in this case authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration including the article discussed.

Short Reports & Case Reports cover new observations of diseases, clinical findings or novel/unique treatment outcomes relevant to practitioners in infectious diseases and immunity research. The text should be arranged as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion. Only cases of exceptional interest and novelty are considered. For manuscripts that do not qualify, Editors may ask authors to shorten manuscripts and rewrite as Letters to the Editor.


Please double space the entire main body document and number each page. Do not add line numbers as the system will generate those when the PDF is built Acceptable document file types for text and tables include .DOC and .DOCX; do not submit a PDF.

Cover Letter: The cover letter must state that the manuscript has not been and will not be considered for publication elsewhere and give a brief introduction to the novel findings of this work, along with three or more experts in the field as potential reviewers, but no more than three excluded referees.

Title Page: The Title Page must be a separate file and upload separately to the main body file. The following elements are required for every submission.

Type of manuscript. Editorial, Consensus and Guideline, Perspective, Original Article, Review, Research Letter, Commentary, Case Report.

Title. Include a descriptive title of the work; the title should not be a sentence. No proprietary or brand names for drugs or agents may be used in article titles.

Authors. The full first name, middle initials, and family name of each author, as well as the name(s) of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed.

Correspondence. A current email for the corresponding author must be provided.

Text word count. Text word count excludes abstract, figure legends, and references.

Abstract: Where required, abstracts are limited to 500 words, which are excluded from the overall manuscript word count. The abstract should briefly describe: (1) the problem being addressed in the study, (2) how the study was performed, (3) the salient results, and (4) what the authors conclude from the results.

Key Words: Minimum 3 keywords needed; three to six keywords.

Introduction: The introduction contains a statement of the purpose of the work, the problem that it stimulated, and a brief summary of relevant published investigations.

Materials and Methods: Avoid detailed description of previously published methods and cite the appropriate reference. Detailed methods may be provided as Supplementary information.

Results: The results should be concise, avoiding redundant tables and figures illustrating the same data.

Discussion: This section should follow the results and is used to interpret results, with minimal recapitulation of findings.

Statistics: Whenever possible quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Authors should report losses to observation (such as dropouts from a clinical trial). When data are summarized in the Results section, specify the statistical methods used to analyze them. Avoid non-technical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as ‘random' (which implies a randomizing device), ‘normal', ‘significant', ‘correlations', and ‘sample'. Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the computer software used. Use upper italics (e.g., P=0.048). For all P values include the exact value and not less than 0.05 or 0.01. Mean differences in continuous variables, proportions in categorical variables and relative risks including odds ratios and hazard ratios should be accompanied by their confidence intervals.

Acknowledgments: This section normally includes sources of research funds, the names of collaborators who are not listed as coauthors, or of any others who contributed to the manuscript. Where a medical writer or editorial assistant has been used to write or edit the article, the writer must be identified and named, together with the source of funding.

Funding: Include disclosure of funding received for this work, especially details of funding from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).

Author contributions: List each author's specific contributions to the work (see details below, under (Authorship).

Conflicts of Interest: List any potential conflict of interest for each author, or make a declaration of "None"




上一篇:鸟类学研究(英文)(Avian Research)(原:中国鸟类(英文版))(不收版面费审稿费)下一篇:纳微快报(英文)(Nano-Micro Letters)
