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法庭科学与法医学杂志(英文) (Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine)(国际刊号)

法庭科学与法医学杂志(英文) (Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine)(国际刊号)

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(Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine)



在 2023-07-07 08:23:46 提交

Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine(缩写为JFSM,法庭科学与法医学杂志)是由2011计划-司法文明协同创新中心和我校证据科学研究院共同主办的、目前唯一的主办单位在中国的法庭科学以及法医学相关的全英文国际专业期刊期刊(ISSN:2349-5014,E-ISSN:2455-0094;http://www.jfsmonline.com)。JFSM于2015年创刊,自2016年起以季刊出版,2017年4月26日被收录于DOAJ开放获取期刊索引系统 (Directory of Open Access Journals),2020年3月被收录于Scopus数据库,标志着JFSM期刊的质量和办刊标准获得国际认可,对扩大期刊传播范围,提升学术影响力具有重要意义。法庭科学是一个以自然科学为主的学科群(广义的法庭科学包括法医学),利用科学手段处理与司法体系利益相关的问题。法庭科学不仅仅为司法诉讼提供科学证据,而且也为国家管理和公共安全提供专业支持。法庭科学已成为21世纪倍受关注的学科之一。中国的法庭科学事业与国外比较具有鲜明的特色:鉴于中国基本国情,以法庭科学为主的司法鉴定案件量大,种类多,法庭科学工作者积累了丰富的经验;法庭科学学科门类设置本土化浓厚,与法律问题结合紧密;法庭科学相关高等教育和人才培养模式独树一帜,科学研究亮点突出,为世界法庭科学事业提供了丰硕的资源和成果。另一方面,由于我国法庭科学职业特点,以及语言的关系,我们与国际法庭科学的交流非常有限。创办法庭科学英文期刊旨在让世界了解中国法庭科学,让中国法庭科学走向世界,在国际法庭科学领域传播中国的声音,在国际法庭科学舞台宣传和展示中国的法庭科学文化与研究成果,为国际同行提供一个了解中国的窗口,增进国内外法庭科学交流互动,引入法庭科学优秀人才和先进成果,与一流国际法庭科学团队共同合作,全面提升中国法庭科学的国际影响力。



JFSM杂志的编委会成员包括众多国际专家和国内相关领域知名学者和两位中国工程院院士,美籍华人李玲博士(Dr. Ling Li)担任本刊主编。李玲教授现为美国马里兰州法医局执业鉴定人,法医病理学家,兼马里兰大学医学院教授。这些专家常年从事法庭科学与法医学的科研与实践工作,将以对事业的热忱和对专业的执着为您稿件的审查与发表提供最优质的服务。

JFSM杂志诚挚邀请您支持属于中国法庭科学、法医学同行自己的国际英文杂志,欢迎您将闪耀中国学者智慧的优秀文章进行投稿。JFSM杂志可接受的稿件类型包括:原著科研论文original research articles, 综述reviews, 案例报道case reports, 短篇交流brief communications, 社论editorials, 评论commentaries, 读者来信letters to the editor,等等。


●  国际同行专家评议保证您投稿的最终质量

●  投稿评审接受后快捷出版(电子版和印刷版)

●  携手国际出版商-威科(Wolters Kluwer),全球可检索并可免费阅读

●  初期暂定无版面费,2015年出版两期,自2016年起为季刊。

●  英语质量欠缺的投稿,编辑部可协助语言校译


联系电话: 010-62926975

电子邮箱: editor@jfsmonline.com/editor.office@jfsmonline.com

出版社:威科医疗(Wolters Kluwer Health)及其旗下的Medknow。

威科医疗卫生隶属于全球领先的信息服务商——威科集团,旗下知名品牌包括Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Ovid, UpToDate 等等。威科集团2013 年的年收益达36亿欧元(47亿美元),全球约有19000名员工,在北美、欧洲、亚太和拉丁美洲的 40 多个国家运营。威科集团总部位于荷兰。Medknow是威科集团旗下以出版医学领域开放获取期刊为主的出版品牌,Medknow与全球300多家协会和机构合作,已出版开放获取期刊350余种。



(Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine)


Instructions to the Authors

About the Journal

Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine (JFSM), the academic journal of the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in China, is a peer-reviewed online journal with quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at https://www.jfsmonline.com. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.

Scope of the journal

The journal will cover the broadest range of science and medical topics interacting with law. Subjects include but are not limited to criminalistics,digital and multimedia sciences,engineering science, forensic anthropology,forensic clinical medicine,forensic odontology,forensic pathology,forensic biology,forensic radiology,forensic toxicology,jurisprudence, questioned documents, forensic psychiatry and behavioural Science. Submissions of malpractice or ethics in forensic science and medicine are also acceptable. The Journal publishes original research articles, reviews, case reports, brief communications, commentaries, editorials, and others.

The Editorial Process

A manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that it is being submitted to Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine alone at that point in time and has not been published anywhere, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. The journal expects that authors would authorize one of them to correspond with the Journal for all matters related to the manuscript. All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged. On submission, editors review all submitted manuscripts initially for suitability for formal review. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific or technical flaws, or lack of a significant message are rejected before proceeding for formal peer-review. Manuscripts that are unlikely to be of interest to the Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine readers are also liable to be rejected at this stage itself.

Manuscripts received from Editorial Board members will be screened by the Editor in Chief and sent to external peer reviewers. The editorial board members who are authors will be excluded from publication decisions.

Manuscripts that are found suitable for publication in Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine are sent to two or more expert reviewers. During submission, the contributor is requested to provide names of two or three qualified reviewers who have had experience in the subject of the submitted manuscript, but this is not mandatory. The reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institutes as the contributor/s. However, the selection of these reviewers is at the sole discretion of the editor. The journal follows a double-blind review process, wherein the reviewers and authors are unaware of each other’s identity. Every manuscript is also assigned to a member of the editorial team, who based on the comments from the reviewers takes a final decision on the manuscript. The comments and suggestions (acceptance/ rejection/ amendments in manuscript) received from reviewers are conveyed to the corresponding author. If required, the author is requested to provide a point by point response to reviewers’ comments and submit a revised version of the manuscript. This process is repeated till reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript.

Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is expected to return the corrected proofs within three days. It may not be possible to incorporate corrections received after that period. The whole process of submission of the manuscript to final decision and sending and receiving proofs is completed online. To achieve faster and greater dissemination of knowledge and information, the journal publishes articles online as ‘Ahead of Print’ immediately on acceptance.

Clinical trial registry

Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine favors registration of clinical trials and is a signatory to the Statement on publishing clinical trials in Indian biomedical journals. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine would publish clinical trials that have been registered with a clinical trial registry that allows free online access to public. Registration in the following trial registers is acceptable: http://www.ctri.in/; http://www.actr.org.au/; http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/; http://isrctn.org/; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp; and http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr. This is applicable to clinical trials that have begun enrollment of subjects in or after June 2008. Clinical trials that have commenced enrollment of subjects prior to June 2008 would be considered for publication in Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine only if they have been registered retrospectively with clinical trial registry that allows unhindered online access to public without charging any fees.

Authorship Criteria

Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to each of the three components mentioned below:

Concept and design of study or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data;

Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and

Final approval of the version to be published.

Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content of the manuscript. The order of naming the contributors should be based on the relative contribution of the contributor towards the study and writing the manuscript. Once submitted the order cannot be changed without written consent of all the contributors. The journal prescribes a maximum number of authors for manuscripts depending upon the type of manuscript, its scope and number of institutions involved (vide infra). The authors should provide a justification, if the number of authors exceeds these limits.

Contribution Details

Contributors should provide a description of contributions made by each of them towards the manuscript. Description should be divided in following categories, as applicable: concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data acquisition, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing and manuscript review. One or more author should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole from inception to published article and should be designated as 'guarantor'.




