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中国高等学校学术文摘·哲学(英文版)(Frontiers of Philosophy in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities)

中国高等学校学术文摘·哲学(英文版)(Frontiers of Philosophy in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities) 万方目次

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《中国高等学校学术文摘·哲学》(Frontiers of Philosophy in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities; CN 11-5743/B, ISSN 1673-3436)创刊于2006年,是由教育部主管、高等教育出版社主办并出版的全英文哲学类季刊。本刊宗旨是将中国优秀的哲学研究成果推向世界,力图为中外学者以及关注当代中国哲学的所有读者提供一个共同的交流平台,向世界全面立体地展示中国形象。本刊内容兼具学术性与信息性,通过刊发国内已出版的论文全文、论文摘编、目录索引的翻译等,并配发相关专题的综述文章,全面呈现当代中国哲学研究成果,助力中国哲学学术成果与中国哲学学者走向国际。本刊战略合作单位为北京师范大学。

本刊受中宣部“中华学术外译项目资助”,已被ESCI、Humanities Abstracts、Humanities Index和SCOPUS等收录,并被评定为“2022年度中国人文社会科学期刊AMI综合评价”外文刊核心期刊。


Guidelines for Authors


Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.

You are cordially invited to submit research articles, review articles, or book reviews to FPC. Submitted manuscripts must be original, and must not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication outlet.

Manuscripts should be submitted via email in MS-Word (.doc/.docx) format to submissionbjb@126.com. For book reviews, please contact Prof. Wen Haiming, Book Review Editor of FPC, at wenhaiming@gmail.com.

Submissions are expected to be in full accordance with the format style of FPC. Some basic guidelines are as follows:

1. The length of the articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. An abstract of 150–200 words and 3–6 keywords should be provided. Book reviews should be 2,500 words or less.

2. Use pinyin without tone/diacritical marks to denote names of Chinese people and geographical locations; non-pinyin spellings should be used only in the cases where Wade-Giles or other transliterations have been widely adopted (e.g., Wing-tsit Chan), or in quotations or titles. Chinese characters can be provided if necessary.

3. Chinese terms and titles of Chinese texts, on their first appearance in the text, should mainly be written in the following format: English translation (pinyin characters), e.g., virtue (de 德); “On the Main Points of the Six Schools” (Lun Liujia Yaozhi 论六家要旨); History of Chinese Philosophy (Zhongguo Zhexueshi 中国哲学史). Subsequent appearances should be either in English or in pinyin, and the style should be consistent throughout the article.

4. Citations in the text and in footnotes should follow the author–date–page format, for example, (Legge 1991, 133). If pages are not needed, and the author’s surname appears in the sentence, the format should be: Legge (1991).

5. Use footnotes to provide further comment, explanation, or information that the text cannot accommodate, as well as bibliographic information containing either sources or evaluative comments on sources.

6. All cited literature must be listed in the References, and all listed literature in the References must be cited. Arrange entries in alphabetical order by authors’ last names (surnames), or by title for sources without authors. Do not abbreviate a name given in full. Capitalize the first word and all other principal words of the titles and subtitles of cited works listed. References at the end of the text should be listed in the following format:

Bell, Daniel A. 2008. China’s New Confucianism: Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Marotta, Vince. 2004. “Intercultural Hermeneutics and the Cross-Cultural Subject Export.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 30.3: 267–84.

Puett, Michael J. 2004. “The Ethics of Responding Properly: The Notion of Qing in Early Chinese Thought,” in Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature, edited by Halvor Eifring, 37–68. Leiden: Brill.

Wang, Jing. 2005. “Lun Jieshi de Xingshi Jichu he Zhengju Jichu” 论解释的形式基础和证据基础 (On the Formal Base and Evidential Base of Interpretation). Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches) 30.4: 66–71.

Yang, Bojun, ed. 1990. Chuanqiu Zuozhuan Zhu 春秋左传注 (Annotations of the Zuo Qiuming’s Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals), 2nd editon, 4 vols. Beijing: Zhongghua Shuju.

7. Sources of financial support for research, and contributions of colleagues or institutions should be acknowledged. Acknowledgements should be provided between the text and the references.

8. Authors publishing in the journal will be asked to sign a Copyright Transfer Statement. In signing the statement it is assumed that authors have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. Authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the statement, and must sign the statement or agree that the corresponding author can sign on their behalf. Articles cannot be published until a signed Copyright Transfer Statement is received by the publisher.

上一篇:国际肝胆胰疾病杂志(英文版)(Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International)下一篇:测绘学报(英文版)(Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science)
