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中国人文研究(英文版)(即:文史哲(英文版))(Journal of Chinese Humanities)(国际刊号)

中国人文研究(英文版)(即:文史哲(英文版))(Journal of Chinese Humanities)(国际刊号)

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    2352-1333;E-ISSN 2352-1341

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Journal of Chinese Humanities

Instructions for Authors


The peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Chinese Humanities, is an English-language extension of Literature, History and Philosophy ( Wen Shi Zhe 《文史哲》), a famous Chinese journal published by Shandong University. The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature. It covers both traditional and modern areas of re-search. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals that treat on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. Thus each issue will be composed primarily of articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions, while at the same time including a small number of articles from foreign authors so as to provide opposing perspectives. This way, top scholars in China can be read in the Western world, and our Western readers will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material and research coming out of China. Every issue will be theme-based, focusing on an issue of common interest to the academic community both within and outside China. The majority of articles will relate directly to the central theme, but each issue will also accept a limited number of articles not directly related to the current theme. This journal primarily targets academics in the English-speaking world who are interested in multiple aspects of Chinese civilization and humanities. It will be of interest to both scholars and advanced students, both specialists and informed readers. It aims to become one of the best windows for western readers to deepen their understanding of Chinese literature, history and philosophy.

Ethical and Legal Conditions

The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be downloaded here: brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance.

Open Access

JOCH is a fully Open Access journal, which means that all content is freely accessible online. All articles are published under a non-exclusive Open Access license in exchange for an Article Publication Charge. The author(s) keep full copyright and give Brill permission to publish by signing a special Brill Open Consent to Publish. The Brill Open Consent to Publish will be sent to you by the responsible desk-editor. For more information on Brill Open go to: brill.com/brillopen or contact brillopen@brill.com.


All submissions and correspondences to the editors should be sent to: Dr. Ben Hammer, benkhammer@sdu.edu.cn, Editorial Office, Wen Shi Zhe Shandong University, Shanda Nan Lu, #27 Shandong Province, Jinan City, 250100, P. R. China.

Manuscript Structure

Specific guidelines for submissions are as follows:

1. Please submit your paper in American English.

2. The length of articles should be between 6,000 and 12,000 English words.

3. An abstract of approximately 150 words as well as 3-6 keywords should also be provided.

4. Documentation should follow the style as delineated in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, with a complete, alphabetical list of all works cited at the end of the main text.

5. Use pinyin without tone marks to denote names of Chinese people, locations, and specialized terms.

Non-pinyin spellings (e.g. Wade-Giles) should only be used in cases where a certain name or term has been widely adopted, or in quotations or titles.

6. Any Chinese writing should use traditional characters. Chinese terms and titles of Chinese texts, on their first appearance in the text, should be written in the following format: English translation (pinyin, Chinese characters). For example, heart-mind (xin, 心); The Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu, 論語). Subsequent appearances should either be in English or pinyin and should be consistent throughout.



Upon acceptance, a PDF of the article proofs will be sent to authors by e-mail to check carefully for factual and typographic errors. Authors are responsible for checking these proofs and are strongly urged to make use of the Comment & Markup toolbar to note their corrections directly on the proofs. At this stage in the production process only minor corrections are allowed. Alterations to the original manuscript at this stage will result in considerable delay in publication and, therefore, are not accepted unless charged to the author. Proofs should be returned within promptly.



《文史哲》国际版(JOCH )接受中文、英文两种语言的投稿。凡是通过审稿程序的中文稿件,编辑部将会安排外国译者团队的专门人员进行翻译。本刊旨在将中国国内最先锋、最出色的人文学术力作译介到海外,因此除了原创作品以外,同样接受已在国内学术期刊发表过的中文文章。

JOCH 为国内成果在海外发表文章提供优质平台,学者可以藉此将自己的论作直接发布到海外学界,使海外汉学界得以窥见国内的学术趋势与成果。

JOCH 现正为即将推出的期次征寻稿源,欢迎海内外学者针对相关主题惠赐稿件。接下来两期主题分别为“汉魏两晋文学”及“唐代及唐后文学”。中文投稿注释格式请参照《文史哲》杂志,文后须附带完整的参考书目;英文投稿的注释及参考文献采用芝加哥体例(Chicago Style)。两种语言稿件的字数均在6000 ~ 11000 字之间。

JOCH 的网络平台地址为www.journalofchinesehumanities.com。此平台除了登载每期的征稿通知、投稿规则、新近期次的目录摘要以外,还刊登有其他丰富内容,如西方汉学界论文全文下载、对于西方汉学界状况的报道等等,读者还可在网页上留言互动。博睿出版社相关页面地址为www.brill.com/products/journal/journal-chinese-humanities,欢迎关注。


