社会和政治哲学(英文)(Journal of Social and Political Philosophy)(国际刊号) 知网目次
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2752-7514;EISSN 2752-7522
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(Journal of Social and Political Philosophy)
Journal of Social and Political Philosophy
Submit an article
The Journal of Social and Political Philosophy (JSPP) publishes 2 issues per year, in February and August.
JSPP welcomes the following kinds of submission:
original research articles on any aspect of contemporary social or political philosophical philosophy. Submissions are welcome regardless of theoretical orientation or approach. Normal length should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words, however shorter or longer articles may be considered.
critical responses to articles previously published in JSPP. Normally between 2,000 and 5,000 words.
review essays dealing with more than one book or thematic discussions of recent work in a particular field. Normally between 4,000 and 7,000 words.
short book reviews dealing with a single book. Normally 2000 to 4000 words. Note that we do not accept unsolicited reviews, but anyone is welcome to propose a review to one of the Book Review editors below.
symposia on important books involving multiple commentaries and responses by the author. Normally around 10,000 words, however longer or shorter symposia may be considered.
JSPP publishes only material in English. Submissions should be sent to the Editorial Assistant, Huimin Li, at: jspp2022@whu.edu.cn as attachments, preferably in MS Word and formatted in double-spacing, 16px, left-hand justified. Please use Author-Date citations and Endnotes rather than footnotes (see Style Guide below). For further enquiries please contact the Editor Paul Patton at prp@unsw.edu.au.
Blinded Copy
All research article submissions are double-blind refereed prior to being accepted for publication. This means that author identities are concealed from reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review and publication process.
Authors should submit as separate documents (1) a Title page containing author’s name and contact details, and (2) a blinded version of the manuscript. To ensure anonymity of the manuscript the following measures should be adopted:
Limit self-references to papers that are relevant to the argument and cite these as (Anonymous 2020: xx).
Avoid phrases such as ‘as I/we have argued’ in favour of third person references such as ‘as has been argued/ demonstrated (Anonymous 2020)’ .
List self-publications in the Bibliography as: ‘(Anonymous 2020) Details omitted for double-blind reviewing.’
Do not include acknowledgments
Remove any identifying information, including author names, from file names and ensure document properties are also anonymized.
Style Guide
Submissions should be prepared following the Style Guide available here.
Book Reviews
Books for review, enquiries and offers to review should be sent to Ben Cross <bcro8137@alumni.sydney.edu.au> or James Stockman <j.stockman@sussex.ac.uk>
Peer Review Policy
All research articles submitted to JSPP will receive a preliminary review by the Editor in consultation with one or more members of the Editorial Board. The Editor will then decide whether to send the submission to outside referee(s) for double blind review (see above). Whether a submission goes to external review is at the discretion of the Editor and members of the Editorial Board. Decisions will be made with regard to JSPP aims and scope, the content and originality of the submission, the quality of expression and organization of the submission, and the level of engagement with relevant literature in the field.
External reviewers will normally be internationally recognised social and political philosophers, theorists, or specialists in cognate disciplines such as law, sociology, Chinese studies or cultural studies. Final decision on whether a submission is accepted for publication rests with the Editor in consultation with one or more members of the Editorial Board.
Please note that manuscripts are reviewed on the understanding that they are not under submission elsewhere. The review process normally takes up to 3 months.
Authors will receive a pdf copy of their article and a 30-day access token to the journal online.
Open Access and Self-Archiving
There is no charge to submit or publish in the journal. All EUP journals are published on a Green Open Access basis, whereby authors are allowed to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution on their personal or departmental web page and in their institutional repository. Authors are also permitted to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution in a non-commercial subject repository one year following publication in print. The Version of Record of the article, as it appears in the journal following layout and proof correction, may not be deposited by authors in institutional repositories. Please visit our Copyright and Open Access Licenses page for full details of our self-archiving policy for all EUP journals.
Authors can also choose to pay a fee to make their article freely available online immediately via the EUP journals website through the Edinburgh Open scheme which provides an optional Gold Open Access route to publication in all Edinburgh University Press journals. Please visit our Open Access page for full information on the scheme.
Author Copyright Form
Prospective authors, please click here to download the author copyright form for submission with your article.
English Language Editing Service
Edinburgh University Press collaborates with Enago to provide Academic English editing and translation services to help authors get their manuscript submission-ready. A special 20% discount is available for all EUP Authors. For more information, please visit www.enago.com/eup.
Discounts for Authors
Journal Authors are entitled to a 40% discount on the journal issue containing their paper, a 20% discount on all EUP books and a 10% discount on any journal subscription. Please contact marketing@eup.ed.ac.uk to order books at discount and journals@eup.ed.ac.uk for discounted journal subscriptions.
投稿邮箱:jspp2022@whu.edu.cn(投稿)prp@unsw.edu.au(咨询)bcro8137@alumni.sydney.edu.auj.stockman@sussex.ac.uk(书评) -
社会和政治哲学是核心期刊,级别是:AMI入库, 是:分类下的知网目次收录的期刊。