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麻醉与转化医学(英文)(Journal of Anesthesia and Translational Medicine)(国际刊号)(OA期刊)

麻醉与转化医学(英文)(Journal of Anesthesia and Translational Medicine)(国际刊号)(OA期刊)

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Journal of Anesthesia and Translational Medicine(JATM,ISSN: 2957-3912)是由华中科技大学麻醉与复苏重点实验室和武汉智谷围术期医学研究院主办,与科爱合作的麻醉学综合性国际英文学术期刊。JATM为开放获取期刊,每季度发行一次。期刊主编由华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院的陈向东教授、郑州大学第一附属医院的杨建军教授、以及宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院的Henry Liu教授共同担任。



Perioperative medicine

Pain management

Intensive care





投稿须知Instruction for authors


General Arrangement, All Submissions

All articles should be arranged in the following order.

1. Cover letter (optional)

2. Manuscript, as a single file in word processing format (eg, .doc), consisting of Title Page, Abstract (if required for the article type; see relevant section), Body Text, References, Figure Legends, if any (in numerical order, on the same page, at the end of the manuscript file); be sure to number all pages of the manuscript file

3. Tables (each Table should be a separate file in word processing file format, eg, .doc)

4. Appendices (each Appendix should be a separate word processing file format, eg, .doc)

5. Figures (each Figure should be a separate file in figure file format, eg, EPS, TIFF, JPG, PDF; minimum resolution 300 dpi)

6. Other submission elements (Supplemental Digital Content, etc.)

Title Page


Body Text




Figure Legends


Title Page

All submissions require a Title Page with the following information on the first page(s) of the manuscript file

1. Article Title: (do not use abbreviations in the title);

2. Author Information: First name, middle initial, and last name of each author, and institutional affiliations, institutional title or position, and institutional email address; make sure the names of and the order of authors as they appear on the Title Page and entered in the system match exactly;

3. Corresponding Author: Name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author; only one corresponding author may be designated for the entirety of the review and publication process; see Authorship);

4. Clinical trial number and registry URL, if applicable. The registry, registration number, principal investigator's name, and date of registration for the clinical trial must be stated on the title page as well as in the first paragraph of the Methods section of the manuscript;

5. Prior Presentations: Note any presentation/s of the work at conferences for meetings; include name, exact date, location;

6. Acknowledgments: List individuals or organizations to be acknowledged, if any. Provide complete name, degrees, academic rank, department, institutional affiliation, city, state, country, and a brief description of their contribution;

7. Abbreviated Title (Running Head): State the essence of the article (50 characters maximum) for all article types except Letters to the Editor.


Original Investigations require a structured abstract. It should be limited to 300 words. The structured abstract should contain four labeled paragraphs: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The Abstract may be the only part of an article that is read, and must stand alone and effectively convey the key elements within an article. Please ensure that the Abstract communicates the research context, purpose and a hypothesis; the key methods, the most important findings (including the primary outcome, at minimum) described using numerical results (and statistical significance), and clear conclusions which are supported by those results. An Abstract with narrative results and p values is not acceptable. Please ensure that any data in the Abstract are also in the main Results. In order to enhance comprehension, the use of nonstandard abbreviations or acronyms in the Abstract is not allowed. Refer to the List of Standard Abbreviations.

Review Articles and Special Articles require an unstructured, one- or two-paragraph summary of the key points of the article of 150 words or fewer.

Body Text

1. Introduction (new page), 500-word limit;

2. Materials and Methods (new page): A subsection entitled "Statistical Analysis" should appear at the end of the Materials and Methods section when appropriate (for comments re. Statistics). Include, as relevant, statements about informed consent, animal care, IRB approval, and/or clinical trial registration;

3. Results (new page);

4. Discussion (new page, 1,500-word limit): The discussion should focus on the findings in the current work.

LENGTH: The Introduction and Discussion sections should not exceed 2,000 words combined. It is recommended that the Introduction be no longer than 500 words and the Discussion section no more than 1,500 words. Manuscripts that do not meet these word limits may be sent back to the authors.


All manuscripts must contain the following sections under the heading 'Declarations' at the end of the main manuscript:

1. Ethics approval and consent to participate

2. Consent for publication

3. Availability of data and materials

4. Competing interests

5. Funding

6. Authors' contributions

7. Acknowledgements

8. Authors' information (optional)


Number references (as superscripts) in the sequence they appear in the text. Use abbreviated titles of the medical journals as they appear in Index Medicus. Include only references accessible to all readers. Do not include articles published without peer review or material appearing in programs of meetings or in organizational publications. Sites on the World Wide Web (URLs) may be used as references, provided the citation includes the last accessed date. Abstracts are acceptable as references only if published within the previous 3 years. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted for publication are never acceptable as references. If you cite accepted manuscripts "In Press" as references, please provide one electronic copy (e.g., Word, PDF) when you submit the new manuscript and mark them as "In Press, Reference # ___."

Supply all authors' names for each reference; do not use "et al." Please confirm the accuracy of your references by comparison with original sources, not with someone else's reference lists, and examine your citations for typographical errors. Supply complete publication information for all references.

Use the following reference formats:

1. Journal: Carli F, Mayo N, Klubien K, Schricker T, Trudel J, Belliveau P: Epidural analgesia enhances functional exercise capacity and health-related quality of life after colonic surgery: Results of a randomized trial. Anesthesiology 2002; 97:540-9

2. Book: Barash PG, Cullen BF, Stoelting RK: Clinical Anesthesia, 3rd edition. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997, pp 23-4

3. Chapter: Blitt C: Monitoring the anesthetized patient, Clinical Anesthesia, 3rd edition. Edited by Barash PG, Cullen BF, Stoelting RK. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997, pp 563-85


Number tables consecutively in order of appearance (Table 1, etc.). Make sure tables are cited/called-out in the text in the correct order. Each table must have a title and include footnotes when appropriate. Make sure any symbols and abbreviations used in the tables are defined. Tables must be word processing document format (eg, .doc). Do not submit tables as image files. Tables meant to appear as online supplementary materials must be uploaded separately with the Supplemental Digital Content item type.

Figure Legends

Supply a legend/caption for each figure, preferably on the last page of the manuscript file. For review purposes, figures and their accompanying legends can be included as a group at the end of the manuscript file. If a revision is requested, authors will be asked to supply figures as separate original source files with textual legends/captions grouped on a single page in the manuscript file.


Figures should be prepared according to the professional standards of this Journal in appropriate file format with sufficient resolution for publication. If a single figure contains more than one panel, each panel must be identified alphabetically (e.g., A, B, etc.) and should read left to right in presentation. The figures must be cited in the text in the same, consecutive numeric order. Each Figure should be submitted as a separate file, clearly labeled with the figure number (e.g., Figure1.tif, Figure2.eps, etc.). Make sure that any special symbols used in a figure (e.g., asterisk, double asterisk) are explained in the legend/caption.

Format: Acceptable graphics formats are .tif, .eps, .jpg, or .pdf.

Resolution: Photographic or halftone figures should be saved at 300 ppi resolution, with image sizes no smaller than 4 x 6 inches, approximately 1200 to 1800 pixels wide. Line-art, graphs, charts, diagrams must be 1200 ppi, approximately 4800 pixels wide, minimum.

If images are submitted with resolutions lower than these specifications, we may be unable to publish them, even if we accept the submission. Therefore, please make sure that the images submitted with your manuscript comply with these specifications.

If a revision is requested, do not paste graphics into word processing documents; submit them as separate files in figure file format. NOTE: Before approving your submission, view the PDF that is created by the system to make sure images are easily legible for the editors and reviewers.

Pubdate: 2023-01-13

