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中国耐火材料(英文版)(China's Refractories)(不收版面费)

中国耐火材料(英文版)(China's Refractories)(不收版面费) 知网万方维普

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Submission of Papers

Submission of a manuscript must be the original work of the author(s) and have not been published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication, or a substantially similar form in any language.

Authors are encouraged to recommend two to three individuals (including their research fields, e-mail, affiliation) who are qualified to serve as referees for their paper.

Authors will receive a letter informing them whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected in two months. Authors should return their revisions to the Editor within one month on receipt. When an article has been amended in compliance with the comments of referee(s), an electronic file of the final version should be sent with the revised manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts should be written in English. The supporting organization and the grant number should be given at the end of the manuscript. For more details of submission format, please visit the homepage.

Title: The title of the paper should be concise but informative.

Author name(s): A list of all authors, as well as corresponding addresses, should be provided on the title page. Authors’ names should be given in a consistent form on all publications to facilitate indexing. It will be better if the e-mail address(es), and telephone number(s) are all provided.

Abstract: The abstract should be no longer than 200 words. It should be informative, without descriptive words or citations, and contain the major conclusions and quantitative results or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title, the abstract must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper, and will be used as a base for indexing.

Main body of the paper: The body of the paper should include all the information of the research, but no subtitles.

Formulas: Formulas should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered consecutively in round brackets on the right-hand side of the page.

Notation: Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. All unusual symbols whose identity may not be obvious, including subscript or superscript, must be made comprehensible. Physical and mathematical variables should be in italic, vectors in boldface. Units, abbreviations and special functions should be upright. Please add notes to explain any other special symbols.

Figures: Notations in the figures should be distinct. Each figure should have its own caption. For photographs, the original photos must be supplied with good contrast and clearly distinguishable details.

Tables: Tables should be numbered in order of appearance. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. A detailed description of its contents or table footnotes should be given directly below the body of the table.

References: References must be published work, and numbered consecutively in order of their first citation. References should be listed individually at the end of the text and indicated in the text with a superscript number in square brackets. All of the references’ authors, as well as the titles of the referenced articles, should be given. References instruction can be downloaded on the homepage.

Copyright: As the manuscript has been accepted, all authors should transfer the copyright of the article, including that of the printing and on-line version, to the publisher. All authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement before the article can be published. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

Peer review: This journal operates a blind review process. All contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of one independent expert reviewer to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor’s decision is final.



China’s Refractories《中国耐火材料》稿约



2 来稿要求

(1) 来稿请通过E-mail(以Microsoft Word格式发附件) 投至chnr@nhcl.com.cn。请点击下载投稿模版。

(2) 文稿应理论联系实际, 论点明确, 论据充分、准确、有说服力;内容应具有指导性、针对性、实用性和创新性;文稿应数据可靠、语句通顺并符合英文语言习惯。


(4) 文稿的标题层次为:1,1.1,1.1.1,一律左起顶格书写。

(5) 参考文献应按文稿中引用顺序编码排列,正文中引用处以方括弧标注。未公开发表的内部资料请勿引用。请点击下载参考文献的著录格式。


3 注意事项

(1) 作者可在投稿30天后了解稿件初审情况,若作者需要稿件录用通知书,请来电来函告知。编辑部有权对来稿做适当修改或提出要求后退回作者修改。请作者参考修 改意见进行修改并在2个月内将修改稿返回编辑部,否则按自行撤稿处理。请作者自留底稿,无论刊登与否原稿恕不退还。

(2) 《中国耐火材料》已被全文编入“《中国学术期刊》(光盘版) ”、“万方数据-数字化期刊群”及其他电子刊物。来稿被刊用后,将按本刊规定一次性支付作者的全部稿酬,并赠送当期杂志2份。若作者不同意被以上数据库收 录,请在投稿时声明,本刊将做适当处理。刊用稿件不收取版面费。



