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中国社会工作期刊(英文)(China Journal of Social Work)(国际刊号)

中国社会工作期刊(英文)(China Journal of Social Work)(国际刊号) 知网目次

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    1752-5098;EISSN 1752-5101

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征稿|China Journal of Social Work征稿启事


北京大学中国社会工作研究中心 2024-02-27 16:56 北京


China Journal of Social Work -《中国社会工作期刊》是北京大学-香港理工大学中国社会工作研究中心同Taylor & Francis出版集团合作运营的英文学术期刊,也是第一本由香港和中国大陆共同编辑的英文学术期刊。


自八十年代初社会工作专业再度被引进中国内地高等院校,在内地开办社会工作专业的大学数字从数间激增到超过两百间。为回应日益突现的社会问题及社会需要,政府机构及非政府机构提供的社会服务亦日益增加。China Journal of Social Work 《中国社会工作期刊》旨在为国内及海外的学者提供一个学术平台,以促进教学、研究、及实践经验的相互交流和分享,为建立具有本土特色的社会工作理论和实践作出贡献。


Wang, X., and W. Kung. - Social work students’ professional socialisation in China: experiences and challenges (2023)

Fan, Q. - Supporting older people coping in a digital society: comparing case studies in China and Finland (2023)

Ku. H. B. -  From action to theory building: an action research of rural social work practice in China (2022)

Chen, A., and X. Gao. - Enhancing the anti-domestic violence competencies of undergraduates: action research on a social work curriculum in China (2021)

Wang, Q., J. K. K. Liu, and C. A. Walsh. -  Identities: experiences and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspectives of older Chinese immigrants in Canada (2021)



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如需其它资料,请浏览网页: http://www.tandfonline.com/rcsw

电话: +852 2766 7725



(China Journal of Social Work)作者须知


Instructions for authors

About the Journal

China Journal of Social Work is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus and peer-review policy.

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English and Chinese.

China Journal of Social Work accepts the following types of article: articles, book reviews, research notes, announcements.

Articles: This section is devoted to cutting-edge empirical research on social work, social policy, and social development, as well as theoretical reflection contributing to the building of an indigenous social work theory appropriated to Chinese context.

Book Reviews: This section offers comments and critiques of one or two newly published books concerning social work development in China, one chosen from books published in Chinese and another from books published in English.

Research Notes: This section provides new discoveries or emerging issues concerning front-line practitioners and scholars in the field.

Announcements - Call for Papers, and Calls for Application for Research Grants: This section will be devoted to the dissemination of information within the social work profession in China, including call for papers, job adverts, and information on conferences, workshops and research grants.

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Your paper should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list).

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