生物安全和生物安保(英文)(或:生物安全与生物安保)(Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity)(OA期刊)

生物安全和生物安保(英文)(或:生物安全与生物安保)(Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity)(OA期刊) 知网目次万方目次维普目次

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    2097-2105;EISSN 2588-9338

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Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity (《生物安全和生物安保》)主要发表包括研究论著、短篇报道、个案分析、专家评论、综述和编辑点评等有关生物安全和生物安保方面的文章,如病原体研究、生物安全和安保设施、设备设计、运转与管理;风险评估与应对措施;核心技术突破;政策研究等。






Guide for Authors


Types of paper

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: Original research papers, reviews, letters to the editor.

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Informed consent

If your manuscript is related to clinical study, please provide following pieces of information and state them in your manuscript: 1) date of IRB approval and the approval number, 2) status of informed consent (IC); [e.g. Was written IC required? Was your clinical study approved without IC? If so, the reason why?]

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上一篇:东亚哲学杂志(英文)(East Asian Journal of Philosophy)(国际刊号)下一篇:纳米生物医学工程(英文)(Nano Biomedicine & Engineering 或 Nano Biomedicine and Engineering)
