空气动力学进展(英文)(Advances in Aerodynamics)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号)(不收版面费审稿费)

空气动力学进展(英文)(Advances in Aerodynamics)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号)(不收版面费审稿费)

  • EI(中国2024)
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    : 2524-6992

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Advances in Aerodynamics


空气动力学进展AIA 2021-06-10

Advances in Aerodynamics(《空气动力学进展》,简称AIA)是一本由国际同行评议、快速发表、开放获取的英文期刊。AIA由中国空气动力学会和中国空气动力研究与发展中心联合发起,旨在发表空气动力学及相关学科领域的高水平研究论文,致力于打造该领域高质量的学术交流平台。


Advances in Aerodynamics  (AIA) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal, affiliated with the Chinese Aerodynamics Research Society (CARS) and supported by China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC). AIA publishes innovative and high-quality research articles in aerodynamics, aiming to provide a platform for ideas exchange and discussion in related field.

AIA is now open for manuscript submission. All accepted articles will be published online and are completely free to access and download without subscription. Authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge. You are welcome to submit your excellent original research papers or reviews to the journal.

Advances in Aerodynamics (AIA) is currently covered by the following (A&I) services:

Astrophysics Data System (ADS),




EBSCO Discovery Service,

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI),

Google Scholar,

Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,


OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service,

ProQuest-ExLibris Primo,

ProQuest-ExLibris Summon,

TD Net Discovery Service

Aims & Scope

Advances in Aerodynamics (AIA) aims to report the scientific and technological advances in aerodynamics from the aspects of academic research, industrial development and engineering applications, and to provide a platform for ideas exchange and discussion in this fast-changing field. The journal welcomes Review and Research papers of novel studies on aerodynamic science and engineering.

The topics include but are not limited to:

Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics

▪ Equilibrium and non-equilibrium flow

▪ Numerical method and validation

▪ Turbulence modeling and simulation

▪ Multiple physical field simulation

Experimental Aerodynamics

▪ Wind tunnel experiments

▪ Propulsion and combustion

▪ Flow visualization

▪ Measurement and control techniques

Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

▪ Buildings and Bridges

▪ Automobiles and high-speed vehicles

▪ Renewable energies

▪ Environmental wind engineeering    

Related Cross-disciplinary Fields

▪ Aeroacoustics

▪ Aero-optics

▪ Aeroelasticity

▪ Aerodynamic stealth

投稿指南与咨询 | Submission Guidelines & Consultation

期刊主页/Journal Website


投稿主页/Submission Website


投稿指南/Submission Guidelines





注: 本刊邮箱不接收投稿,作者需前往投稿主页进行注册后提交可编辑文件,如DOC/DOCX, RTF, TeX/LaTex格式文件(TeX模板可在期刊主页投稿指南进行下载)。投稿前请认真阅读投稿指南,尤其要注意文章需含有Declarations部分。投稿过程中如有任何问题,可与编辑部进行联系。



Instructions for authors

Advances in Aerodynamics is an international peer-reviewed open access journal, affiliated with the Chinese Aerodynamics Research Society (CARS) and supported by China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC). Advances in Aerodynamics will provide a platform for fast publication of comprehensive studies on the frontier of aerodynamics.

Aims and Scope

Advances in Aerodynamics (AIA) is aimed to report the scientific and technological advances in aerodynamics from the aspects of academic research, industrial development and engineering applications, and to provide a platform for ideas exchange and discussion in this fast-changing field. The journal welcomes Review·and·Research·papers of novel studies on aerodynamic science and engineering. The topics include but are not limited to:

Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics

(equilibrium and non-equilibrium flow, numerical methods and validation, turbulence modeling and simulation, multiple physical field simulation)

Experimental Aerodynamics

(wind tunnel experiments, propulsion and combustion, flow visualization, measurement and control techniques)

Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

(buildings and bridges, automobiles and high-speed vehicles, renewable energies, environmental wind engineering)

Related Cross-disciplinary Fields

(aeroacoustics, aerp-optics, aeroelasticity, aerodynamic stealth).

Manuscript Submission

Authors must submit their manuscripts using the manuscript submission and peer review tracking system Editorial Manager® online: https://www.editorialmanager.com/aiae/default.aspx.

File formats such as DOC/DOCX, RTF, TeX /LaTex are acceptable, and editable files are required for processing in production.

(Tex templates can be downloaded in the Submission Guidelines on the journal homepage: https://aia.springeropen.com/.)

Manuscripts submitted must be the original work of the author(s) and have not been published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication, and not a substantially similar form in any language.

Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts must be written in concise English. Please ensure the language is of sufficient quality to be understood so that editors and reviewers can accurately assess the work. Advances in Aerodynamics publishes two types of articles: Research and Review. General formatting rules for these article types are listed below.

Title Page:

Authors are required to present a title that includes, if appropriate, the research design (or a description of what the article reports for non-research studies); list the full names, institutional addresses and email addresses for all authors; indicate the corresponding author.


The abstract should briefly summarize the aim, findings or purpose of the article. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract.


Three to ten keywords representing the main content of the article.


The Introduction section should explain the background to the article, its aims, a summary of a search of the existing literature and the issue under discussion.

Main text:

This should contain the body of the article, and may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings.


This should state clearly the main conclusions and include an explanation of their relevance or importance to the field.

List of abbreviations:

If abbreviations are used in the text they should be defined in the text at first use, and a list of abbreviations should be provided.


All manuscripts must contain the following sections under the heading 'Declarations': Availability of data and material; Competing interests; Funding; Authors' contributions; Acknowledgements; Authors' information (optional). Please see Submission Guidelines on the journal homepage for details on the information to be included in these sections. If any of the sections are not relevant to your manuscript, please include the heading and write 'Not applicable' for that section.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first referenced in the manuscript. Two reference [1,2] should be included together and separated by a comma; Three or more consecutive references [1-4] should be indicated by the bounding numbers and an en dash.

Examples of reference style are shown below:

For more reference details, and other information such as preparing figures, tables and additional files, please see Submission Guidelines on the journal homepage: https://aia.springeropen.com/.

Peer Review

All manuscripts submitted to AIA will go through a peer reviewing process and be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers to guarantee that the papers are scientifically sound and coherent and also fairness. Only papers with novelty and significant contribution in aerodynamics will be published. Authors are encouraged to suggest at least two potential peer reviewers for their manuscript. If authors wish to do so, please provide the reviewers' titles, email addresses, affiliations and research fields where possible, or information which will help Editors to verify the identity of the reviewer (for example an ORCID or Scopus ID). Also, authors may exclude any reviewer who they would prefer not to review their manuscript.

Fees and Funding

Article-processing charges:

The publication costs for Advances in Aerodynamics are covered by Chinese Aerodynamics Research Society, so authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge. Also, articles published in Advances in Aerodynamics are completely free to access and download without subscription.

Indexing Information

Advances in Aerodynamics is currently covered by the following (A&I) services: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Astrophysics Data System (ADS); EBSCO Discovery Service; Google Scholar; Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China; Naver; OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service; ProQuest-ExLibris Primo; ProQuest-ExLibris Summon


Email: aia@cardc.cn;

Editor 1: Xiangnan Wei, weixiangnan@cardc.cn, 1402761469 (WeChat/QQ);

Editor 2: Jinmei Gao, gaojamie@126.com, 305094628 (WeChat/QQ).

For a full and complete Submission Guidelines for Authors, please go to:


For editorial and submission consultation, please email us at:


To submit a new manuscript, check the status of a submitted one, or submit a revised manuscript, please go to:




Submission guidelines

Our 3-step submission process

Before you submit

Before you submit, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the following.

Make sure you are submitting to the most suitable journal - Aims and scope

Understand the costs and funding options - Fees and funding

Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable - Language editing

Understand the copyright agreement - Copyright

Ready to submit

To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these editorial policies and formatting guidelines.

Advances in Aerodynamics publishes the following article types:



Click the relevant link to find style and formatting information for the article you are going to submit.

General formatting rules for all article types - Prepare your manuscript

Make sure your submission is complete - Prepare supporting information

Copyright and license agreement - Agree to conditions

Read and agree to our Editorial Policies - Editorial Policies

Submit and promote

After acceptance, we provide support so your article gains maximum impact in the scientific community and beyond.

Who decides whether my work will be accepted? - Peer-review policy

Spreading the word - Promoting your publication

Submit manuscript




上一篇:人文新视野(集刊)下一篇:数字经济与可持续发展(英文)(Digital Economy and Sustainable Development)(国际刊号)(目前不收取文章处理费)(OA期刊)
