Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
Southern African Journal of Gynaecologic
Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique
Approaching Religion
Passagens-International Review of Politi
Zeitschrift fur Herz Thorax und Gefassch
Debates en Sociologia
European Journal of Pragmatism and Ameri
In Education
Journal of the Korean Society for Indust
Papers in Physics
Studi Slavistici
Revista de Investigaciones Politicas y S
KronoScope-Journal for the Study of Time
British Journalism Review
Chinese Public Administration Review
Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education
Transplant Research and Risk Management
Anales AFA
World Review of Political Economy
Aramaic Studies